CategoriesClub News Coarse Fishing

Tench Stocking – Dorchester


A video of the 300lb tench between 10″ – 1lb  stocked at Dorchester 25/03/22, including some underwater footage.
Note that all of the fish were fine. It is common for new fish to need time to adjust to the shock of entering a new environment – different temps, oxygen levels etc – hence the exhibited behaviour from some of these little tincas on release into the lake. There’s nothing to worry about! They all eventually swam off when they were ready.
CategoriesClub News Coarse Fishing

Successful Pike Coaching Day – Dorchester

A HUGE thank you to Mark Tyrtania, Vince Williams and Clive Bristow from RA35 (PAC) for sharing their time and knowledge at our Pike Coaching session on Dorchester Lake.
Also HUGE thanks to Drennan International for their generosity in providing us with goodie bags for attendees.
And last but certainly not least, a HUGE thanks of course to the many members who braved the cold weather to make this day’s event such a success.
A few fish caught, PBs achieved and lots of Pike related questions and discussion all made for a successful event that we will certainly be sure to run again in the future. Next time we’ll try to pick a date that doesn’t require the bailiffing team to send out the icebreakers beforehand!
CategoriesClub News Coarse Fishing Trout Fishing

AOAA News Letter – Jan 2022

Yet again it has been a great year for the Alliance. Membership was up for the fourth year running. It is really great to see the fishing club going from strength to strength. I am sure that a lot of you follow the club on Facebook and can see the work being done by the Officers and Bailiffs of the club. A big thanks must go to all of them for the work that has been done.

We now come to the bit we keep being asked about. The prices for permits next season and availability :

Season Dates

Coarse: 01/04/2022-31/03/2023
Trout: 01/04/2022 – 30/11/2023

The Day and Trout permits will be available from the 1st Feb 2022 at the following prices
Every angler, whether Coarse or Trout, must have one of the below.
Adult (16 - 64) OAP (65 at 01/04/2022) Junior (12 - 16)

Junior Permits – Under 16 at 01/04/2022 – Under 12 at 01/04/2022 Free with Adult member


If you wish to fish Nights or Trout Fish, you need one of the below “add ons” in addition to the above day or trout permits.

Night Permits Trout

Trout Junior – Free with Adult Trout Member


  • The Day and Trout permits will be available from the 1st Feb 2022.
  • From 15th Feb 2022 the Night permits for existing Night permit members are available.
  • From 1st Mar 2022 any Day members from 2021/22 that want a Night permit can apply if any available.
  • From 15th Mar 2022, any Night permits left will be on a first come first serve basis.

Please do not contact other officers on this issue. All permit issues go through:

Any questions, just email on the above address.

CategoriesClub News Trout Fishing

A shiny new website for 2021

2020 is finally over…

and like us; you’re probably glad to see the back of it.

We think 2021 is going to be a better year, for our members at least. We have several changes lined up to improve your experience as a valued member of the A&OAA. From rule changes, to new stock and venue improvements we’ve got a full bag for you. You can read about all of these in the annual newsletter.

The thing we’re most excited to bring you though is a shiny new website! After several member comments we knew it was time to listen, and listen we did!

After an exhaustive tender process, we choose esteemed designer, keen angler and long time Alliance member; Michael Waddle to deliver the new website.

Kicking off with a series of user interviews (thank you to the 30+ members who helped us out) we reviewed exactly what you want and expect from the A&OAA website. The Alliance team then worked with Michael to plan out a the key user personas and how to ensure the new website catered for these requirements.

Once we were confident your needs as a user were going to be met, Michael began the design of the new website, with a focus on being suitable for the digital landscape and accessible for all of our users.

These designs have now been realised and out new website is ready to launch! Come and check out the fruits of our labour.

choose type of fishing on iPad



Across the entire website

Brand new

Look & Feel

Across the entire website

Soon you’ll be able to

buy permits


Michael Waddle
Michael Waddle | Digital Designer

A brand new logo for the digital era

The team at Abingdon & Oxford Anglers Alliance approached me towards the end of 2020 with a desire to update thier logo as part of the New Website design. The previous logo has appeared in various forms since 1964 and whilst it carries the history of the club through it’s ‘House Crest’ type of design, it isn’t well suited to a digital environment…

Read more here

CategoriesClub News Lifestyle

A brand new logo for the digital era

old meets new
Traditional meets contemporary in the new A&OAA logo

A new logo for 2021.

The team at Abingdon & Oxford Anglers Alliance approached me towards the end of 2020 with a desire to update thier logo as part of the New Website design. The previous logo has appeared in various forms since 1964 and whilst it carries the history of the club through it’s ‘House Crest’ type of design, it isn’t well suited to a digital environment.

The task was clear; to come up with a logo that transcended the clubs long history in a form that works across both the A&OAA’s digital estate and it traditional printed collateral.

Inital attempts to simplify the logo lead to the need to decide on a key theme; the clubs long history, it’s Oxfordshire heritage or it’s purpsose as a fishing club. After a few meetings with the team and a bit of user research, we decided to make it more obviously a logo for a fishing club.

I wanted to develop a logo mark or icon that could be used independantly of the full logo and still communicate the key purpose. I designed the ampersand (and sign) to look like a hook and built the logo around this detail. I developed a responsive logo to meet the needs of a modern responsive website (read up on responsive logos here) , this collapsible approach meant that the Alliance had a solution for every need the logo might encounter.

You can see the logo in it’s variants below:

Logo variants
The new, collapsible Abingdon & Oxford Anglers Alliance logo in all variations
Michael Waddle
Michael Waddle | Digital Designer

New website coming soon

The new logo is only part of the story though… The team at the Alliance also engaged me to deliver a brand new website for thier members and unlock the possibility of online permit purchasing.

During the COVID19 pandemic in 2020, the A&OAA had to adapt a digital sales route to make sure they could keep getting permits out to members. They did a great job utilising PayPal, Email and Facebook, but with no ecommerce structure to back them, it was a difficult process to manage. This lead them to push the button on launching a new website in 2020.

Read the full story here.


CategoriesClub News Trout Fishing

Standlake Fishery Report 2020 Season

Hello all.

I hope you have had an enjoyable Christmas. It has been a testing year for all of us and this was certainly the case for the fishery. Malcolm’s passing meant that there were things that had to be addressed quickly so that the season could go ahead. Several members stepped in and we were able to set things in place so the season could open on 29th March.

Three working parties had been held even though the weather seemed determined to prevent them going ahead. The water level was at the highest level I have seen since I have been a member. This meant that access to the far bank was denied because of flooding of the path. Storm Dennis decided to help us too on one of our dates. If anyone is able to predict dates for good weather please let me know and you can advise me on the dates for this year’s working parties. I do not seem to have the knack. A huge thank you to all that turned out to help. We managed and the fish were delivered in time for opening day and then came along COVID 19 and LOCK DOWN.

Finally we were given the green light to begin the season and with it we welcomed a number of new members. This allowed us to stock again before the summer doldrums hit us. During this period we also held 3 days where we endeavoured to clear weed from the swims. Many thanks to those that turned out to help. An advisor from the Environment Agency met with some members of the GPC, Trevor and myself to see if he could suggest ways to curb the weed growth. Unfortunately there is no magic cure and it has been decided that for the coming season we will try a combination of biological and mechanical control in the form of floating straw and clearing using rake and drags. Shortly after his visit we lost a number of fish because of the hot weather and low oxygen levels. A third stocking took place mid  October and allowed members to fish through until Christmas. This time of year can be a bit hit and miss but several members happened on the right conditions making their visit worthwhile. We also held 2 Saturday work parties one at the end of October and again at the end of November.

members made

363 visits

across the 2020 season

members caught

424 fish

We retained 137 fish

Heaviest recorded

5lb - 3oz

Caught by N Joyce.

Phil Robbins | Standlake Fishery

Standlake 2021 season

This new season will see the introduction of on line membership that you should have already been notified of. This should be available from mid February. I would expect you to receive details as soon as this is available. Please renew your membership promptly as it helps to manage the stocking policy for this year.

 I hope you have all shared the enjoyment and relief that the lake and fishing has given me in a difficult year. I would like to sincerely thank all members that have supported the working parties and hope to see all of you on the bank this year. 

Phil Robbins

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